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Feb 22, 2018by Brandon Hanson
Vivamus eget vulputate risus. Aliquam id fringilla lacus, vitae maximus felis. Suspendisse in posuere urna. Ut ipsum nisi, suscipit at nisl nec, pulvinar dapibus risus. Etiam non hendrerit nulla, in volutpat dui.
in this week we wanted to make a 3d printing using sand we named it REMAL machine
### Assignments - to design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation - build the mechanical parts and operate it manually - actuate and automate your machine - document the group project and your individual contribution ### Project management - the spiral task: - Research (downtown pic + ) - Basic machine building reference (instructables) - Design a unique head design using Archimedes screw ( ammar ) - Collect the whole parts - Program it - Test it


for the whole project please follow our local fabacadmey2021 website

I will put my contribution before ending up with our final machine

,, i will start by describing our idea
RemaL Idea:
our idea was to make such a machine that mimics the sand-drawing art we have here in Jordan, our question why not make it computerized, so we can put any design we want in the sand bottle. here is a glimpse of how our local sand art looks like : pic
My research
i was driven by the idea that we need to change the sand properties if we want it to draw something , so i looked up for a several DIYs of a Kinetic Sand so i found **this** (link) (pic),
i tried it!
looking for another ideas i found this picture and wondered if we can draw with the sand vertically by putting it inside a viscous liquids like "corn syrup" maybe?! so i searched about that what i found is this (Hydrophobic Polymer) waterproof sand i wanted to give it a try! by mixing the two ideas together after that i wanted to look for a sand 3d printing machine i found this project which our collogues said it has a 5th dimensional drawing mechanism. they do this and that (youtube video)


to minimize the scattered sand we wanted to let the machine draw with sand on the machine bed we will follow the basics of the cnc machine and "adjust" a new head to it so it flow the sand smoothly and use Archimedes screw to try to flow the sand properlys
Basic CNC machine building
REF:tutorial 1. Collecting the parts from the gives excell sheet 2. 3D Printing(here my collogues adjust desgin al liitle bit and designed the diffrent head we wanted ) 3d printing settings :::::: 3. Tighten brass nuts to both 3D printed parts 4. choose the aluminum extrusion profiles and then cut it 5. attaching stepper motors to 3D printed parts with M3 screws 6. connect X axis with the Y-axis, s we didn't finish yet we will move now to customize a special bed to hold the acrylic box inside it (I draw it using AutoCAD then we cut the whole parts)

Design a unique head design using Archimedes screw

here is my collogues design for it pic i 3d printed it :::::
Program it
electronics components used: - Stepper motors (X4) - CNC shield (X1) - Stepper drivers (X4) - Arduino (X1) - Power supply (X1) - DC connector (X1) - Jumpers (X14) - Dremel 3000 (X1)

prepare the sheild with arduino

- connection the cnc sheild to arduino put (pictures) - testing the shield by putting the powersupply and


what is grbl: i will go to to downloading process with you: - check if you have arduino IDE downloaded on your pc if not you can downloaded as i did from here - first of all you download the zip-file from the github from this link : - Second you will extract it and cop grbl folder from it and paste it on the arduino IDE "library" folder program FILES - Third step is you connect the shield with you computer and try to upload the grbl to it.

uploading grbl to Arduino steps:

I opened the Arduino and checked the correct port it should be ended with - and opened the the grbl Upload from edit : Example and then press verify>upload it click with correct sign. next step is (

download CNCjs or gbrl controller to control the grbl shield we need a software that gives instructions to the motors and translate the g-code into the correct motor movement. there are several we choose CNCjs - now connect the arduino to powersupply and - We downloaded it from git hub as a zip-file

- you choose the correct the right mine was COM 5 > then you press connect. - we test firstly manually tried it from the navigation buttons we changed the (x , y) stepping as it showed in the tutorial , by coding inside the console window $100 = 400 $101 = 400 $102 = 400 but ours showed a x-stepping wrong , but mine we found that the x stepping got us wrong trail and error we changed the number: $100 = 55 this is for x travel

converting a svg to g-code

- first we opened inkscape window and saved a star drawing we then opened an online gcode creator here is the one we used we then press launch buttons this is the entrface we opend svg - now change the units to meters - choose the zero to center - select the your svg picutre - press generate while choosing these settings - save it - open it in CNCjs using the upload G-code - and press play button - magic happens: Safety ### This week’s results ### Downloads